
American School of Comics

Here, the comics are emotional due to the action, in which the main character, as a rule, carries his own internal problems and experiences to the end (“Uncle Baeeen!”; “Mr. and Mrs. Wayne!”), And the plot often inevitably moves to the final distribution and slaps the supervillain.

In terms of drawing, American comics are the "golden mean" of the amount of information on a page. Wraps of text and onomatopea (bang; pow; blam; puff, etc.) are read equally as the image itself. Backgrounds in frames are mostly conditional.


European School of Comics

European comics. School of deep plot and complex detailed drawing. The style of different authors or even in different works is different. The image here is read. Information in the frame can be extremely much. At times it can be a whole battle with a lot of action.

Euro-comics are works of art and writing that are not about “flipping through”. These are predominantly large-format hardcover books for reading in more than one sitting.


Japanese manga

This is a comic mainly in a format just above the A5. The amount of information that is on one page of an American comic book or in a single frame of a European one, here may take up a dozen pages. Manga is a comic sensation, not an action comic. In the large frame there can be a hero's face or a huge fur, and the action associated with them in small fast frames, and most of the backgrounds are prefabricated standard patterns.

What matters is not the events, but emotional peaks. The main character gets worse, worse and worse. All this tearful overcoming of the difficulties invented by the author ends with the last emotional peak, when the protagonist finally becomes “good.”